About this idea

Give company a smart (easy, efficient and innovative) way to boost employee engagement in order to put them in the best condition to perform better.

Brief description

BRAVE path has been a good gym for me to built the way i really like to do in my professional life. 

I'm still building it but i did lots of improvemets. Thanks to the tools BRAVE gives us and above all the important feedback between people (peer to peer) i feel, step by step, more confident with my dreams, idea, myself and taking courage to do something. 

My first day in BRAVE project i was thinking to leave my company just to give me the opportunity to became an expert in a specific topic in the HR field with all linked risks with the fact to start alone and with no strog experience in a specific HR topic. 

Now I'm taking advantage of my company where i'm already working to try this new approach and start to buid activities and smart HR services oriented to the employee engagement. 


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Engage your employee is very important to retain them and spread your positive experience out of the company and attract other talents. Engagement means employee orientation or better say employee obsession. If we talk about employee engagement we talk about employee contribution in the business idea, procecces (also accepting their failures), we talk about peacful and challenging environment and abouve all learning throught unconventional education. Stop with traditional training for your employees they need to practice and play. Experential education can help them a lot, with funny activities and good metaphor to boost content and creativity. Some of the experential education activities and means can be (impro theater, legos, movies, team building, play, workshop..)


Build activities with the experential education approach to boost employee engagemet that are easy and economical to implement but with an important ROI on them.

Version: 9

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 8

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 7

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 6

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 5

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 4

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 3

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 2

Apr 17, 2019

Version: 10

Apr 19, 2019

Version: 1

Apr 17, 2019

All contributions



Excellent idea outsource and a freelander

Sep 03, 2019

Jenny Trujillo


Great project Francesca ! Not only ROI but SROI, social return on investment. You have broken the ice in your work reality and you have opened the doors to your success !! Be determine an go ahead.

Apr 19, 2019

Daniela Bucur


A very original idea as well as practical! Employers would be pleased to use your idea.

Apr 17, 2019




Latest Contributions



Excellent idea outsource and a freelander

Sep 03, 2019

Jenny Trujillo


Great project Francesca ! Not only ROI but SROI, social return on investment. You have broken the ice in your work reality and you have opened the doors to your success !! Be determine an go ahead.

Apr 19, 2019

Daniela Bucur


A very original idea as well as practical! Employers would be pleased to use your idea.

Apr 17, 2019

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