About this idea

My name is Vlassia , i come from Greece . I have a background in theoretical sciences , history - archaeology and political science . I like to learn new languages , developing my IT skills , and expand my knowledge in general through different sectors like business , technology , human resources , european programmes , innovation , research , life long education etc . I ' d like to be engaged in discovering and developing new ideas and research around technology and services , education , business , service design etc . I ' d like to research and create ideas for ideas , to bring projects back to life through design thinking , innovation , training , conceptualizing and form solutions .


Bringing ideas to life and transform them to viable innovative solutions Researching all the aspects of a concept in order to deliver improved solutions through prototyping development . Use service design and design thinking methods in order to create a value chain that brings impact to communities , systems , methods , services . Use tools , methods , functions to produce innovative solutions


To be part of change and transformation through innovation , research , concepts that could form , design and bring to life better solutions .

Version: 1

Feb 15, 2019

All contributions

Daniela Bucur


You can do anything you want! Good luck!

Apr 16, 2019

The European Commission support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [2017-1-RO01-KA204-037257]

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