About this idea

Translations for officials, courses for everyone who wants to learn English. In my courses I teach English for children through literature, miming, singing and acting stories. I will be supported by my family, friends, ex - colleagues to make this business real. At the same time, I will involve schools and a publisher in order to encourage children and make their work known. The communications channels will be the personal connections, local advertising and social network. I will invest time, energy, communication and money into this business. Last but not least, I will be happy to share my experience, knowledge and pleasure for this activity.


I will provide free high quality language education, high quality translations and fast services. As children learn English trough translating literature, playing with words, acting and singing, they will become more creative and sensible as well as much better in the field. Both the children and I will enjoy the path. I will get some extra -money by translating official documents for people who need it.


My goal is to obtain a client portfolio, network collaborators and a brand. What is more important, I will get a new experience, another type of knowledge, satisfaction and joy, and extra - money (maybe).

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All contributions

Jenny Trujillo


Hello Daniela, good luck in your project ... You have the qualities of a good teacher and the experience of a professional !! I hope Brave had been an open door to the future ...

Oct 06, 2019



Continue with your idea and educate people

Sep 03, 2019




Latest Contributions

Jenny Trujillo


Hello Daniela, good luck in your project ... You have the qualities of a good teacher and the experience of a professional !! I hope Brave had been an open door to the future ...

Oct 06, 2019



Continue with your idea and educate people

Sep 03, 2019

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